Dernek Hakkında Tıbbi Onkoloji Derneği Haberler Tıbbi Onkoloji Derneği Canlı Yayın

ESMO Gelecek Dönem Başkan Adayları

Değerli Üyelerimiz,
Zurich'te yapılan 1 Mayıstaki ESMO Temsilcileri toplantısı sırasında oldukça aktif olan Dr Christoph Zielinski ile öğle ve akşam yemeğinde konuşma fırsatımız oldu. İletişim kurulması kolay, mütevazi, bilgili ve güven veren yapısı nedeniyle ESMO için iyi bir başkan adayı olduğunu düşünüyorum. Ancak, diğer aday Joseph Tabernero'yu yakından tanıma fırsatım olmadı. Her ikisi de ESMO yönetim kurulunda aktif görevlerde bulundular. Zielinski ve Tabernero'dan gelen mektupları ve kendi hazırladıkları özgeçmişlerini aşağıda bulabilirsiniz. Haziranın ilk yarısında internetten ESMO web sayfasına girerek oyunuzu kullanabilirsiniz.

Prof Dr Ahmet Demirkazık
ESMO Türkiye Temsilcisi

Dear Doctor Demirkazik,

It was a pleasure to meet you during the ESMO National Representatives Meetings in Zurich on May 1.

This time, please allow me to approach you with a BIG request:

As you might have heard, I have been nominated by ESMO as one of two candidates for the ESMO presidency 2018-2019. Having in mind the concept of "ONE EUROPE - ONE VISION" assuring cancer diagnosis and treatment of the best quality to be delivered throughout Europe, I would want ESMO to adopt this program should I be elected president.

I am sure that considering what we were discussing during our meeting, this would very much fit into the concept of all of us. I, therefore, would very much ask for your support and the one of Turkish ESMO members for my bid for the presidency. This will be done via the ESMO  homepage during the first two weeks of June.

I would truly very much appreciate your help and support!
Very warm regards and many thanks!

Christoph Zielinski
Univ. Professor Dr. Dr.h.c. Christoph Zielinski

Chairman, Clinical Division of Oncology and Department of Medicine I,
Chairman, Comprehensive Cancer Center
Medical University Vienna - General Hospital
Vienna, Austria


Dear Ahmet,

It is a great honor for me to stand as candidate in the forthcoming ESMO President Election for the 2018 – 2019 term. In the hope that you will support me in my campaign, please find enclosed an e-flyer underlining what I believe to be my key strengths in running for ESMO President, my overarching vision for our Society, as well as my Action Plan Overview - point by point. Please note: more detailed information as well as my full letter of intent can be found on ESMO´s website at:

The voting process could not be simpler and, on behalf of ESMO, I very much hope that an even greater number of ESMO Members will be keen to have their say this year and register their interest by voting for their preferred candidate. You can cast your vote by either visiting ESMO´s Booth during this year´s ASCO meeting, or elect online via ESMO´s website ( from 01 June – 15 June, 2015.

With my personal thanks in advance for taking a few moments to read and consider the e-flyer enclosed,


Josep Tabernero, MD PhD

Head, Medical Oncology Department

Vall d'Hebron University Hospital

Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) P. Vall d'Hebron 119-129

08035 Barcelona SPAIN

Tel +34 93 489 4301

Fax +34 93 274 6059

