A Position Paper of Medical Oncolgy
Proficiency Board Definition
Proficiency Board is a nonprofit and financed by the association and makes independent decisions as defined in the instructions of the Proficiency Board.
This 7-membered Board Committee (assigned by the EC) regulates Medical Oncology specialist education and decides adequacy criteria prepares the fellow report card and makes board examinations. Board Committee also certificates and re-certificates.
The board has organized four written examination which is organized centrally in conjunction with national examination and evaluation center and two oral examinations by using objective structured clinical examination method.
Proficiency Board Main Tasks
To establish, protect and improve the standards of medical oncology education.
To bring the quality control measures into medical oncology education.
To organize and do the medical knowledge improvement examinations (for fellows) and board examinations (for last year fellows and specialists) once a year.
To provide board certification (and re-certification as necessary) for members.
To motivate for and provide re-certification of members whose certification period expire.
To encourage continuous medical education activities and to check for individual participations.
To encourage and follow the fellows and their mentors for completion of the fellow report card in order to observe the medical improvement of young medical oncologist candidates
Proficiency Board Members
President Dr. Abdurrahman Işıkdoğan Member Dr. Bülent Yalçın Member Dr. Ömer Dizdar Member Dr. Yüksel Küçükzeybek Member Dr. Başak Öven Member Dr. İlhan Hacıbekiroğlu Member Dr. Özge Gümüşay -
Medical Oncology Subspeciality Fellow Log Book
Çalışma Karnesine ulaşmak için lütfen tıklayınız.
Yandal Uzmanlık Eğitim Dosyası Örneği
Klinik içi Eğitim Etkinlikleri Katıldığım Kurslar Akademik Çalışmalar Projelerim Tezim İndeks Olgularım Rotasyonlarım Sınavlarım Bilgi Değerlendirmesi
Proficiency Board Exam Date
9.Proficiency Board Exam March 23, 2014 5 TTOD Congress in Antalya will be made. -
Competence Certificated via Exam
2025 Proficiency Exam
2024 Proficiency Exam
2023 Proficiency Exam
2022 Proficiency Exam
2021 Proficiency Exam
2020 Proficiency Exam
2019 Proficiency Exam
2018 Proficiency Exam
2017 Proficiency Exam
2016 Proficiency Exam
2015 Proficiency Exam
2014 Proficiency Exam
2013 Proficiency Exam
- Dr. Arzu Oğuz
- Dr. Berna Bozkurt Duman
- Dr. Bilge Aktaş
- Dr. Çağatay Arslan
- Dr. Çetin Ordu
- Dr. Deniz Tural
- Dr. Fatma Şen
- Dr. Gülnihan Tufan
- Dr. İlhan Hacıbekiroğlu
- Dr. M.Ali Kaplan
- Dr. M.Ali Şendur
- Dr. Mükremin Uysal
- Dr. Onur Eşbah
- Dr. Umut Demirci
- Dr. Umut Kefeli
2012 Proficiency Exam
- Dr. A.Taner Sümbül
- Dr. Ahmet Sezer
- Dr. Dilek Erdem
- Dr. Esat Namal
- Dr. Ferhat Telli
- Dr. Meltem Ekenel
- Dr. Muharrem Koçar
- Dr. Mustafa Bozkurt
- Dr. Mustafa Yıldırım
- Dr. Özcan Yıldız
- Dr. Selçuk Cemil Öztürk
- Dr. Serkan Keskin
- Dr. Tuğba Köş
2011 Proficiency Exam
- Dr. Ahmet Bilici
- Dr. Alpaslan Özgün
- Dr. Burçak Yılmaz Erkol
- Dr. Nilüfer Avcı
2010 Proficiency Exam
2009 Proficiency Exam
2008 Proficiency Exam
- Dr. Hande Turna
- Dr. İrfan Çiçin
2007 Proficiency Exam
- Dr. Doğan Uncu
- Dr. Mehmet Artaç
- Dr. Özkan Kanat
2006 Proficiency Exam
- Dr. Aziz Yazar
- Dr. Faysal Dane